Friday, February 22, 2008


TEACHER 0.0 I'll have a large abrasiveness and two ice cream fizzwaters

if you, passing, meet me, and desire to speak to me, why should you not
speak to me?    And why should I not speak to you? - Walt Whitman

If by chance we meet on a road. . .           along a path. . .                           or during an odyssey. . .
Me & Somayeh - Inside the RoadThis Way to NarniaOdyssey

Use the skills you know to communicate, because the Read Write Web is every teachers' responsibility to know and help our students learn. . . learn to be creators and organizers of content=ideas not just passive consumers.

beyond the dots. . .
Holesdotsgreen dotsLadybug (FI-22993)Red + White BallThe Stronghold

beyond the dashes. . .
IMG_3453geeksIMG_3454Who needs a hybrid anyway?volvoSum blu cawr

Ones and Zeros first began with. . .
Morse code the 19th century and the transatlantic cable between NY and London that allowed for real time data and interaction.

And place no longer matters as learning is happening all over the world. Ideas from any one teacher everywhere can be available to everyone. A classroom project can be seen by everyone. This is what is called a flat world. . .

South Hall Office

And the data and information and knowledge to become a 21st Century teacher is not decided upon or settled by any one teacher or place in the world. . .


stethoscope [closr]

come write, determine, participate, and share the knowledge with us

go all the way to Timbuktu

Djingareyber Mosque

chat speak listen respond write

Oak leaf cluster    Teacher X.0!

I was in the chat in Classroom 2.0 and Lisa Parisi made me think of the importance of beginnings, beginners and being open to learn, and I've always tried to abide by that feeling too. The first time I learned of someone believing in this was when a teacher of mine quoted Albert Einstein "He who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed," for a "conceptual design" department (this link is from Stephen Wilson, who has been a constant presence) class in my art department. So I remember creating a small box with a view hole, plastic baby, mirrors, and cotton and taping to the side a walkman playing over and over "retain the child within you," and that's when "childlike fascination and sense of wonder," first came to form a phrase in my mind that I remember. Trying to find the A.E. quote I stumbled upon this page of artists reflecting on the word "wonder."

Lately I refer and share in many instances when trying to show, how we should work together to learn Web 2.0 tools, Carolyn Foote's Beginner's Mind. I used this and chose for my playful application Moolvl for a presentation I made for my school district.

photo sources:
Image: 'Roofie'
Image: 'Peek-a-Boo'
Image: 'Tree path'
Image: 'Odysseus and Tiresias' 'Holes' 'dots'
Image: 'green dots'
Image: 'Ladybug (FI-22993)' 'Red + White Ball'
Image: 'The Stronghold' 'and who are you?'
Image: 'IMG_3453'
Image: 'geeks' 'IMG_3454' 'Who needs a hybrid anyway?'
Image: 'volvo'
Image: 'Sum blu cawr'
Image: '6569' 'First Impressions'
Image: 'Djingareyber Mosque'
Image: 'Angel Oak MK3'

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

The Storm and Dangers that Took Down the Global Project

The ice storm took down the power grid for Scott Meech and his black out was nowhere in my radar of feeds or Ice stormmessages. Lucy Gray and myself exchanged a few chat messages and I played with Skype emoticons. Sundays are reserved for our ProTechT conference call on Skype. Later I thought about the fact that I don't even have everyones' cell numbers, addresses, etc. close at hand, but I assume it is accessible on the "net." And in a way, our connections are as tenuous as the wind, fragile but determined, and yet we are as close as we can be. I say that for the moment from a stand point of each members' abilities, and the fact that I can follow, if allowed, each members' status on Skype. No this project does not have the staying power of an ARPANET, we are each joined in a highly personal way, on computers that each of us must maintain, different hardware and OS. We are not at a distance from each other however, in that my concern would surface should anything happen to any one of the participants. Participants have already been sick and earlier Scott also had a very close connection to NIU. It has something of the miracle about it, a project living and breathing with its members. I always hope for my students something of a sense of "groupness," such as this.

And The bleeding edge of what we do doesn't help maintain clear communication and has many dangers in power and lightterms of misinterpretations should messages be truncated or too few words not convey the real meaning with conversations interrupted as software crashes or fails. I think there is the element of half empty and half full in ones relationships with others that allows something to grow with these types of activities. Following up on more perspective on Wesley Fryer's Ustream presentation for ProTechT - The wireless started cutting out and a third of the class didn't seem too bothered by it. They moved to the front of the room between the screen and my traditional science black countertop. They were following the chat as well as what audio they could as I kept reloading/refreshing the Ustream feed. The sound came back at the end of a period as if another class had been using up all the bandwidth, which unfortunately my school has a strong tie with iMovies, and was probably the case. There is no bandwidth management and some teachers still don't have good wireless. For the last fifteen minutes the sound was fine, but students, as one would move progressively towards the back, were now holding conversations and they were not listening but were engaged and listening and speaking to each other. So I was let down somewhere in the delivery system, each part not quite correct, but also a future non-issue. I may gain here though the experience in knowledge that sometime shortly will be obsolete, but you have to enjoy in some way or tip the scales to favor the
successes over failure and along with all of it the messiness.

image sources:

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Can an Evolutionist and a Creationist both be part of one's personal learning network?

For myself I think there is still a disconnect in my relationship to others for whom I haven't met face to face but interact with online only. Just the same as my students this week who had difficulty being quiet when Wes Fryer was sharing his thoughts on his Ustream presentation for the ProTechT project because he wasn't a live speaker in our class. I feel a connection but also a certain distance to people I interact with on networks like Twitter, Second Life, and Ning.

I've enjoyed David Weinberger and many of his ideas on altering the hierarchical thinking of how we organize ideas and thoughts since I saw him for the first time giving the opening keynote presentation at the NECC in Philidelphia. He comes to mind because for his recent book he used the title Everything is Miscellaneous and for the most part I prefer listening to him speak of his ideas such as his presentation on the topic at places such as Google. During the New Hampshire primaries while the student Arthus was sharing his ideas on the political candidates via Ustream, the issue came up of one of my favorite edtech people being a Creationist, later on another of my favorite edtech bloggers took Arthus to task for not pressing the issue from an Evolutionist perspective and offered to take on the person in a debate. I myself don't feel a need to debate someone who believes in the Creationist philosophy and wondered if that is a justifiable passiveness on my part or a disconnect from these virtual relationships. I don't know of anyone in my circle of friends where I live as being a Creationist I do know that I have been emotional and very moved by direct messages and communication with people on Skype and Twitter that I haven't met face to face. The thought that came to mind is "if everything is miscellaneous," then is truth just another tag in the virtual universe with no more real meaning than the electrons it takes to create the text in displays? How can I as a science teacher not argue for further examination of the motivations of someone to side on one side of the argument which is in opposition to how I teach and believe in?

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Meme: Passion Quilt

Following the meme sent me by Miguel Guhlin, I'm posting my picture for what I am most passionate about to be part of the passion quilt. When my students use tools for learning such as computers I typically ask them to work and participate in teams. I used FlickrCC to find this image.

rebuilding Jerusalem with Nehemiah
Caption for this Quilt Image: Project Based Learning and Teamwork

The five people I'm tagging are:
Ann Oro
Jo McLeay
Pam Shoemaker
Tom Barrett
Jeff Whipple

3 Simple Meme Rules:

  • Post a picture from a source like FlickrCC or Flickr Creative Commons or make/take your own that captures what YOU are most passionate about for kids to learn about...and give your picture a short title.
  • Title your blog post "Meme: Passion Quilt" and link back to this blog entry.
  • Include links to 5 folks in your professional learning network or whom you follow on Twitter/Pownce.


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